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Sunday, June 7, 2009


It feels hotter in Topeng. There are no air conditioner. But sometimes we can feel more comfortable. 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Digital Artifact

This is my presentation. I'm from the group named the Gold Researchers. We explored many things about gold. We also count many things in mine. Our group members were Arkan, Carl, and I. We learned many things from this Exhibition. PYP Exhibition was made by all of the grade 5 students to show their understandings. Our mentor was Mr Ahmad. 

Reflection of The Grade 5 PYP Exhibition

On Day 1, in the morning, we had K1 visit us. They watched our movies. Carl and Arkan were telling the small kids about the machines needed for mining. I was guarding the booths.

            Then we had Pre-K and K2. They asked some questions to me. I answered their entire simple questions. I think I was knowledgeable because I could answer the questions that they asked me.

            In the afternoon, we had grade 1 and grade 2. Grade 2 started asking some complicated questions. I think I was thinker because I needed to think of the answers. We also had grade 3. We presented our presentations. They were very pleased with us. Arkan told them the process of mining. Carl helped me to tell the grade 3s. Then we presented our presentation in session 2, we’re the last group. We answered the questions that were asked. We needed to be risk-taker because we needed to be brave to ask questions.

             Mr John visited our booth. He asked many questions. He asked about the price of gold. We hadn’t searched for it. Mr John helped us to search for the information. He also helped us to count everything.

              The final day, there were grade 4, 6,and 7. They asked many questions. I asked many of them to write comments at our booth. We had Mr. Rick who asked us many questions. He said that our group was informative.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Grammar Bites

(Golf courses) There are many golf courses in Jakarta.

Club Golf Senayan, Jakarta.

(Shopping centres) There are many shopping centres in Jakarta.

Carrefour Lebak Bulus

(International Schools) There are many international schools in Jakarta.

Penabur International School Jakarta

(Ice rinks) There are many ice rinks 
in Jakarta.

Ice rink Taman Anggrek 

(Virtual reality game centres) There are many virtual reality game centres in Jakarta.

Timezone Kelapa Gading

(Movie theatre) There are many movie theatres in Jakarta.

Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia

(Hospitals) There are many hospitals in Jakarta.

Siloam Hospital, Kebon Jeruk

(Car wash centres) There are many car wash centres in Jakarta.

(Photocopy centres) There are many photocopy centres in Jakarta.

(Chair lifts) There are many chair lifts in Jakarta.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This is Sur Sur Mine. Its in Chile. This is the place for mining copper. This is one of the most important copper mines in the world. Employing more than 1400 workers.

This is Casa Grande Copper Mine. It’s in USA.  

This is Chuquicamata. This mining is in Calama City near north of Chile.                          

            The biggest copper mine in the world.

This is Palabora Copper Mine. It’s in South Africa.                            Had 2000 meters diameter and 762 meters deep. 

This is Kennecott Copper Mine. It’s in West Salt Lake City, USA.                                                  This is the most productive mine in the history. It’s ¾ of a mile deep.

My Mineral Sentences

These are my mineral sentences !

- There is a lot of gold found in South Africa.
- There are a lot of rubies found in Tanzania.
- There is a lot of topaz found in United States.
- There are a lot of pearls found in America.
- There is a lot of quartz found in Ireland.
- There are a lot of emeralds found in Afghanistan.
- There is a lot of silver found in Mexico.
- There are a lot of diamonds found in China.
- There is a lot of shale found in New York.
- There are a lot of crystal found in Brazil.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


An Exercise in Writing Metaphors: Complete the sentences to make your own metaphors.
1. The moon is a peeled banana.
2. Freckles are red peas when they spread across your face.
3. His arms were pulleys as they lifted the heavy chair.
4. The stars are diamond as they twinkle in the night sky.
5. The storm was a fireworks as it clawed against my window.
6. The freshly mowed lawn was a green carpet.
7. The noisy children were step hitting elephant as they raced through the museum.
8. I was a dancer as I tiptoed across the wooden floor.
9. The river was a big tornado as it twisted and turned down the mountain.
10. His cheeks were bright tornado as he chewed the giant wad of bubble gum.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Preparation For Science Expo

First we check how powerful is the magnet. Then we divide the big paper into 4 pieces. Every group write the steps. From the first step until the last step. Before writing the steps we watch a movie for 3 times. The movie is about ultra simple generator. It uses magnet, wire, and lamp.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sharing The Planet

Sharing the planet is taking good care of planet. Like make less pollution, throw the bin to the trash, and recycled the trash. If we make the planet greener we doesn't have any global warming. It's easy to help environment we can just plant many trees. Also we can plant an almost extinct plant to add the population of that extinct plant. So many ways to help the environment. If we help the nature, the nature will help us. 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Alliterative Sentences

The bear ate berries for breakfast.
The pitter patter poured down on the pavement.
The wind winter whipped past the water.
Two tiny turtles trotted to the town.
One Saturday a silly snake slithered in the sand.
The cat curled up on the cushion and cried.